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Sonia has been a freelance Makaton tutor since 2016 but using it for much longer. She started using Makaton with her youngest son when he was nearly 2. It was so successful for their communication as a family that she decided to train as a tutor to enable her to share her knowledge of and passion for Makaton.


She runs a range of courses for parents, carers and professionals in-person, online and in varied settings (which to date include the fire service, supported living services, hospices, early years, schools, colleges and more).


She also runs 1-2-1 sessions for families, Sing, Sign and Story times and had a lot of fun with a Makaton choir for adults with additional needs. Since 2018 she has been involved with the Makaton Friendly Town scheme and is proud to say that in 2019, Devizes in Wiltshire was recognised as being one of them!


Sonia became involved with supporting Tall Tails to incorporate Makaton into their performances in 2020 and loves working alongside them as they create performances that are inclusive, communication-friendly and fun!


Makaton aside, she really enjoys working as a Learning Mentor at a local FE College, thrives on parenting two teenage boys and loves taking her lurcher for long walks!

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